Page created and maintained by Ms. Amanda Shimmin - Madison County Middle School | Comer, GA
GSE S8P2 | Energy & Transformations within a System |
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the law of conservation of energy to develop arguments that energy can transform from one form to another within a system.
- a. Analyze and interpret data to create graphical displays that illustrate the relationships of kinetic energy to mass and speed, and potential energy to mass and height of an object.
- b. Plan and carry out an investigation to explain the transformation between kinetic and potential energy within a system (e.g., roller coasters, pendulums, rubber bands, etc.).
- c. Construct an argument to support a claim about the type of energy transformations within a system [e.g., lighting a match (light to heat), turning on a light (electrical to light)].
- d. Plan and carry out investigations on the effects of heat transfer on molecular motion as it relates to the collision of atoms (conduction), through space (radiation), or in currents in a liquid or a gas (convection).
Essential Questions
1. What is kinetic energy and how is it affected by mass and speed of an object?
2. What is potential energy and how is affected by the mass and height of an object?
3. How can energy change within a system?
4. How does heat energy change the molecular motion of atoms?
2. What is potential energy and how is affected by the mass and height of an object?
3. How can energy change within a system?
4. How does heat energy change the molecular motion of atoms?
Resources & Links
Conservation of Energy Song- Mr. Parr
Radiation, Conduction, Convection Song- Mr. Parr
Interactive Tools
Nothing yet. We shall see...