Page created and maintained by Ms. Amanda Shimmin - Madison County Middle School | Comer, GA
GSE SPS5 | Atomic & Molecular Motion |
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to compare and contrast the phases of matter as they relate to atomic and molecular motion.
- a. Ask questions to compare and contrast models depicting the particle arrangement and motion
in solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas. - b. Plan and carry out investigations to identify the relationships among temperature, pressure,
volume, and density of gases in closed systems. (Clarification statement: Using specific Gas laws to perform calculations is beyond the scope of this standard; emphasis should focus on the conceptual understanding of the behavior of gases rather than calculations.)
Essential Questions
1. ???
Resources & Links
Parts of an Atom Song- Mr. Parr
Classifying Matter- Mr. Parr
Periodic Table Song- Mr. Parr
4 States of Matter Song- Mr. Parr
Interactive Tools
Nothing yet. We shall see...