Page created and maintained by Ms. Amanda Shimmin - Madison County Middle School | Comer, GA
GSE SPS9 | Properties Of Waves |
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the properties of waves.
- a. Analyze and interpret data to identify the relationships among wavelength, frequency, and energy in electromagnetic waves and amplitude and energy in mechanical waves.
- b. Ask questions to compare and contrast the characteristics of electromagnetic and mechanical waves.
- c. Develop models based on experimental evidence that illustrate the phenomena of reflection, refraction, interference, and diffraction.
- d. Analyze and interpret data to explain how different media affect the speed of sound and light waves.
- e. Develop and use models to explain the changes in sound waves associated with the Doppler Effect.
Essential Questions
1. ???
Resources & Links
Parts of an Atom Song- Mr. Parr
Classifying Matter- Mr. Parr
Periodic Table Song- Mr. Parr
4 States of Matter Song- Mr. Parr
Interactive Tools
Nothing yet. We shall see...